Children's Books

Explore databases on books, read-alouds, and interactive books, designed to inspire and engage young readers.

Educational games to promote early literacy for ages 2-7.

Available in any Denver Public Library

Pairs classic video storybooks with related fiction and nonfiction books for pre-K through 3rd grade, from Scholastic.

Available with library card

Look up articles and facts for research papers, class projects or homework. Get information from trustworthy sources that you can cite in your papers. Designed with students and educators in mind.

Available with library card

Includes 400 high quality, authentic Spanish language children’s books. You’ll find picture books, read-along books with audio, and interactive eBooks complete with a Spanish language search and interface. 

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Available with library card

Find fiction and nonfiction titles for kids and young adults. Search by title, author, series or reading level to find similar titles and reviews.

Available with library card

Find fiction and nonfiction books to read or listen to. Search by favorite author, title or series and find similar titles, reviews and reading group guides.

Available with library card

Combined catalog of 23 Colorado libraries, including Denver Public Library. Use this when you don't find an item in the Denver Public Library Catalog. Place a hold from here.

Available to everyone

An online collection of animated, talking picture books for young kids to discover the joys of reading.

Available with library card