General | Life Science | Earth Science | Physical Science | Health | Science Projects
Library databases are online collections of information, organized for research. Databases contain articles, eBooks, images, maps, primary sources and more. Start your research with these general databases, available from any Denver Public Library or from home with a Denver Public Library Card.
Look for the video icon to see a Denver Public Library screencast.
Explora Middle School Find information from magazines, newspapers and reference books on a variety of topics . Includes videos, primary sources, images and biographies.
Explora High School Look up topic overviews, magazine and academic journal articles, facts and primary sources for research papers, class projects or homework. Get information from trustworthy sources that you can cite in your papers. Designed with students and educators in mind.
Science (Gale OneFile) Magazines and journals focused on science.
Science Reference Center Full-text articles from science encyclopedias, reference books, magazines and journals.
Statista- Statista is an easy-to-use portal that integrates statistics and reports from thousands of sources on topics related to business, media, public policy, health, technology, and many others. The numerous infographics can be exported or downloaded for use in reports and presentations.
Available with library card
GreenFILE Information on the environment including sustainability, global warming, pollution, renewable energy, and recycling.
Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library) ;Encyclopedias about the arts, biography, country studies, history, law, literature, religion, science, and social science. Video Tutorial
For additional resources, check out our Science, Nature, and Technology page.
Life Science
The Visible Human Project Over 18,000 digitized sections of the human body.
Animal Diversity An online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification and conservation biology.
Encyclopedia of Life Global access to knowledge about life on Earth.
University of California Museum of Paleontology Thousands of pages of content about the history of life on Earth.
Crash Course YouTube Channel: Biology Hank Green teaches you biology!
Khan Academy: Biology Videos on biology topics.
Earth Science
This Dynamic Earth The story of Plate Tectonics. News and information about geology and earth science.
Overview of the Solar System Our solar system and beyond from NASA.
Crash Course YouTube Channel: Ecology Hank Green teaches you ecology!
Khan Academy: Cosmology and Astronomy Videos attempting to grasp a little bit about our Universe.
Physical Science
Periodic Table of Elements Information, images, videos and more.
General Chemistry Online Glossary, tutorials and chemistry exam survival kit.
World Physics Easy to understand topics in all areas of physics.
The Physics Classroom Physics concepts explained with quizzes to test your understanding.
SparkNotes Guides on chemistry and physics.
Crash Course YouTube Channel: Chemistry Hank Green teaches you chemistry!
Khan Academy Videos on chemisty and physics and more.
Library databases are online collections of information, organized for research. Databases contain articles, eBooks, images, maps, primary sources and more. Start your research with these general databases, available from any Denver Public Library or from home with a Denver Public Library Card.
Look for the video icon to see a Denver Public Library screencast.
Consumer Health Complete Convenient access to easily understandable health and medical information. Search and browse within medical encyclopedias, popular reference books, and magazine articles.
Other Online Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Medline Plus Trusted information with tutorials, illustrated encyclopedia and the latest health news.
Khan Academy: Health Videos about medicine and the healthcare system.
Science Projects
Library databases are online collections of information, organized for research. Databases contain articles, eBooks, images, maps, primary sources and more. Start your research with these general databases, available from any Denver Public Library or from home with a Denver Public Library Card.
Look for the video icon to see a Denver Public Library screencast.
Science Reference Center Full text articles from science encyclopedias, reference books and periodicals. Tip: To find science experiments, scroll down the page to Explore Topics and click on the one that says Experiments, Worksheets, Lesson Plans.
Other Online Resources
Science Fair Central Ideas for your project and presentation from Discovery Education.
Science Buddies Free science fair projects, ideas, answers and tools.
All Science Fair Projects Browse hundreds of projects with complete instructions.
Science Fair Project Ideas Browse ideas from
International Science and Engineering Fair The world's largest international pre-college science competition.