Denver Public Library offers several resources to download content. You can access these resources on your computer, on devices like eReaders, as well as in apps. Check each service for the options they offer.
eBooks & Audio eBooks
Libby (OverDrive)
Our largest collection of eBooks and Audio eBooks for adults, kids and teens.
Animated story books, read-alongs, graphic novels and more.
Pairs classic video storybooks with related fiction and nonfiction books for pre-K through 3rd grade, from Scholastic.
Reference eBooks (Gale)
Online encyclopedias for research and homework.
Includes 400 high quality, authentic Spanish language children’s books. You’ll find picture books, read-along books with audio, and interactive eBooks complete with a Spanish language search and interface.
Denver Public Library - Open Libraries
Digitized books from the Internet Archive.
Stream classic films, indie cinema, award winning documentaries and The Great Courses. Plus movies and TV shows for kids. Availability varies by card type.
Stream adult Spanish movies, TV shows, and recorded live performances like operas, ballets and theater plays. Children's content includes podcasts, video games, and animation episodes. Instructions for logging in the first time, and for return visits. Instrucciones en español.
Magazines and Newspapers
Libby (OverDrive)
Our largest collection of digital magazines. Availability varies by card type.
Digital magazines you won't find on any other platform.
Enjoy full, unlimited access to the New York Times online.
An ad-free, unlimited streaming music platform that provides access to millions of songs from 200+ genres. Download up to 5 songs each week.
Combined search for these streaming music databases: American Music, Classical Music, Jazz, Popular Music and World Music, which includes Contemporary World Music and Smithsonian Global Sound.