Movie Trailers on Kanopy Now Available

Now there is an easy and credit-free way of previewing movies before borrowing! One of the best ways to know if you’ll like a movie or series is to watch a trailer. Our streaming video partner Kanopy now allows you to watch a trailer before you borrow the video. To view a trailer:

• Click the “Trailer” button located next to the “+ My List” button.

• A trailer box will pop up with the YouTube video player

• Press the play button

The details:

Kanopy has been able to secure trailers for their top 100 suppliers’ films and will keep adding more trailers to more films throughout the year. While many videos include trailers, those that do not will not display the trailer button. Kanopy has dedicated staff members checking each trailer to make sure it’s the appropriate one for the video. However, if you notice an inconsistency or an issue to report, they’ve provided a report button in the trailer pop-up box. Playing a trailer will not deduct time from the 5-second threshold or use any type of play credit. Trailers are available only on the web platform only for now, but Kanopy will be rolling out trailers to other apps and platforms in the future!


Written by Dodie on