Okay, admittedly there is some debate on this - some sources say October is Read a Book Month, and others contend that December is truly Read a New Book Month, emphasis on new. Now we can get in all kinds of trouble with that - new to you? newly published? new in translation? Pick whatever interpretation pleases you, but we are going to focus on never-been-published-before anywhere anyhow new books. Denver Public Library has lots of easy ways for readers and listeners to stay on the cutting edge of new!
So, how does one find these new books? The place to start is Recommendations, near the top of the library home page, where you will find a variety of categories, including books and movies.
Coming Soon and On Order
Want to be super ahead of the crowd? Click the Coming Soon or On Order box on the Recommendations page. Book titles found here are at least 3-6 months away from appearing on our shelves. Yes, the holds lists on some of these titles may seem a bit daunting, but put yourself in the queue and one day, like magic, you’ll get a notification that the new book everyone is talking about is waiting on the pick-up shelf. PRO TIP: Check publication dates on Coming Soon and On Order material by looking for an eight digit number in the Publisher field ex. 20211130 is Nov. 30, 2021
Don’t forget our digital resources. Pop over to Overdrive by clicking on Downloads, also accessible via the navigation menu at the top of the DPL website. Once in Overdrive, click on Collections to get a full array of options, including Just Added eBooks and New Additions in eAudio. And just because we can, let’s include New Magazines in the mix - everything from the first issue of Jam Today, “dedicated to individual cities and their unseen and unexplored places, art, designs and creators” to CarGenix, “showcasing the automotive world’s finest creations.”
Personalized Reading Lists
We offer a Personalized Reading List service, curating title lists just for you, delivered via email. Fill out the request form, indicate you want new titles, and we’ll deliver. And just because our readers’ advisors are this way, you’re sure to get a few read or listen-alike titles on your list that are available now in case there is a wait list for the new book of your dreams.
Book Ahead Newsletter
Want new titles delivered to your inbox? Consider subscribing to DPL’s Book Ahead (for adults) or Flourish (for kids and teens) newsletters at denverlibrary.org/newsletters. Short and to the point, you’ll not only find title suggestions but event and programming news as well.
Five at Five
Prefer to hear about new books instead of looking for them? Friday Five at Five is the perfect vehicle for you. Tune into DPL’s YouTube channel the final Friday of each month (in most cases!) at 5:00 p.m. MT to hear about five new titles (plus one!) that our expert readers’ advisors think you should know about - and read-alikes are provided so you have something to read or listen to while waiting for the Next Big Book!
Want to know about the library's events and resources? Check out the December issue of Engage!