Directories & Phone Listings

Find contact details for businesses, services, and individuals with easy-to-use directories and phone listings.

Business and Residential directories, as well as a job searching tool that includes related guides. Find company info by name, geographic location and industry; residential listings by name, address, city, state or zip code or reverse lookup. Includes: US Businesses, US Consumers/Lifestyles for residential listings, Canadian Businesses, Canada White Pages, and US Healthcare to find physicians and dentists. Video Tutorial

Data Axle also provides free, regularly scheduled webinars to learn more about the tools and how to use them

Available with library card

The Foundation Directory Online (Professional Version) database is available for full use at the Central Library only by using this link

Keep your nonprofit operating at peak effectiveness with Candid's searchable database of expanded, in-depth profiles of 140,000 grantmakers, plus inside looks at the grants they've actually made.  Please call (720-865-1363) or visit Reference at the Central Library for more information.

You may also schedule a Nonprofit appointment to meet remotely with a librarian. 

Tips for using the Foundation Directory Online

Available only in the Central Denver Public Library

Search directories for biographies, passenger and immigration lists, companies and brands, business rankings and market share, consultants, libraries and research organizations, publishers, publications and broadcast media, faculty, scholarships, fellowships and loans, statistics and business information sources, nonprofits, national, international and local associations. Video tutorial.

Available with library card
  • Federal government & Congress: Find Department & agency leadership, CIOs, purchasing contacts, career and non-career SES appointees, advisors, program managers, policy-makers, deputies, directors, and assistants.
  • Congress: Find members of Congress and its staff (including district/state staff), leadership organizations, committee and subcommittees offices, support agencies, congressional caucuses, task forces, boards, and staff associations. Research congressional legislation, linked to the offices of the sponsors and co-sponsors of the bills.   
  • State & Local government: Find detailed profiles of elected officials, chiefs of staff, city managers, CFOs, IT decision makers, appointees, attorneys general, police chiefs, state legislators and city council members, department heads, and many more.
  • Find leaders in News Media Organizations, Law & Lobbying  Firms, Companies (Fortune 1000), Nonprofits & Associations, and Courts.  

Available from the Central Reference Services department.