Science, Nature & Technology

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General Science

Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Earth and Climate

Biology and Natural History

General Science

Peer-reviewed open-access encyclopedia, where knowledge is curated by communities of experts 
Dozens of databases and thousands of websites providing authoritative federal science information

Wolfram Alpha: computational knowledge engine 
Ask Wolfram Alpha your science and math questions

Eric Weisstein's World of Science by Wolfram Research 
Covering Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy and Scientific Biography

World Wide Science: The Global Science Gateway 
National and international databases and portals

National Science Digital Library: Serving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education

Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The Feynman Lectures on Physics 
Decades after their publication, these lectures are still one of the best overviews of physics

The Theoretical Minimum 
Courses for the beginner in physics

Educational website covering many topics in physics and math

Story of Mathematics 
Mathematical history and biographies

NASA Image, Video and Audio Library

Run by the Space Telescope Science Institute's Office of Public Outreach

Webb Space Telescope 
The website for the successor to the Hubble Telescope

Earth and Climate

The Encyclopedia of Earth 
Expert-reviewed content

USGS Mapview 
Map-based search for downloading geologic maps, help is available as a link on the main page

Colorado Geological Survey 
Resources for avalanche information, Colorado geology, energy resources, geologic mapping and more

National Weather Service 
Data source for many weather sites, search by city or zip code for current conditions and short- and long-term forecasts

Weather Underground 
Check out the Wundermap and historical data

Breakdown of average weather for locations around the world

NASA Climate page 
Detailed overview of our changing climate

NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
Resources to locate climate and weather data

NOAA: Paleoclimatology data 
Climate change over geological history

U.N. Environment Programme Network focus on climate change 
International efforts to mitigate global warming

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions 
Works with diverse partnerships to meet climate and energy challenges, offers various facts and figures, reports and initiatives

Union of Concerned Scientists: Global Warming

Climate Action Tracker 
Tracks the efforts of countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Biology and Natural History

Biology Online: Life Science Reference 
Answers to your Biology questions

USDA National Agricultural Library

All About Birds 
From the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

Avibase: the World's Bird Database 
Extensive database of birds of the world

The TalkOrigins Archive 
Scientific perspective on creationist claims

Denver Museum of Nature and Science 
Visit the website of our city's esteemed museum

American Museum of Natural History

University of California Museum of Paleontology 
Fossils, news, online exhibits, more



How Products are Made 
Explanations of how many products are manufactured, includes a section of inventor biographies