These stories feature a diverse lineup of LGBTQ+ families. From board books all the way to chapter books, get to know a fictional family that's the same or different from yours.
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Whether you have one parent, two moms, two dads, a mom and a dad, or another wonderful caregiver, there's one thing that makes a family a family ... and that's love.

"A little girl explains how families, including hers, come in many shapes and sizes--some with a mom and a dad, some with two dads, some with two moms, and more"-- Provided by publisher.

Eleven-year-old Liv fights to change the middle school dress code requiring girls to wear a skirt and, along the way, finds the courage to tell his moms he is meant to be a boy.

"A board book for babies about families. This book includes a diverse array of characters and celebrates gay parents, single parents, blended families, and other family groups rarely seen in board books."-- Provided by publisher.

An adorable board book for the babies and toddlers of gay fathers, featuring a variety of diverse, loving families with two dads.

When her mother goes on a business trip, a little girl, who loves to sit between Mama and Mommy at the table, misses her a lot and feels empty until Mommy finally comes home, filling the void with love.

"When Annabelle learns that her father shares something big--and surprising--in common with her new nonbinary friend, she begins to see herself, and her family, in a whole new light"-- Provided by publisher.

Illustrations and gently rhyming text follow two mothers and their toddler on a sunny day.

Dad has posted a list of chores for the family to do before grandma comes, including bathing the cat; but the cat does not want a bath, so she mixes up the instructions, and soon the family is mowing the floor, vacuuming the lawn, mopping the baby--and the house is in chaos.

Perfect for reading aloud with its rhyming, rhythmic text, this picture book finds two mommies sharing a perfect day with their little one, from visiting animals on a farm to bedtime snuggles.

The story of a toddler's daily activities with two loving fathers.

A baby enjoys a number of fun activities with her two mothers.

"Heather's favorite number is two. She has two arms, two legs, and two pets. And she also has two mommies. When Heather goes to school for the first time, someone asks her about her daddy, but Heather doesn't have a daddy. Then something interesting happens. When Heather and her classmates all draw pictures of their families, not one drawing is the same. It doesn't matter who makes up a family, the teacher says, because "the most important thing about a family is that all the people in it love one another"" --Publisher description.

When Darryl arrives in Princess Puffybottom's kingdom, she is not amused.

A child describes all of the adventures she has with her two daddies.

A child celebrates her Maddy, who is neither mommy nor daddy but a little bit of both, like so many things in nature. Includes note to parents.

"'My Dad's name is Haley. She used to be a he but now she is a she! Last year she did this thing called transition. She grew her hair long, painted her nails in bright colors and started wearing different clothes.' When Mini's cousin accidently misgenders her dad Haley, Mini explains why misgendering is hurtful and why we need to treat trans people with respect. Mini speaks with confidence about transitioning and gender identity, and empowers others with trans relatives or friends. This brightly illustrated book will open up discussion for people wanting to educate their children about a loved one transitioning or just about trans people in general. Featuring a child with a dad who has transitioned, this book passes on an important message about acceptance and respect, and covers pronouns, dysphoria, family diversity and misgendering"-- Provided by publisher.

Benjamin educates his cousin on transitioning and gender identity.

Stella brings her two fathers to school to celebrate Mother's Day.

While shopping with her two dads for supplies for her birthday party, Harriet, who is wearing a penguin costume, is carried away by a waddle of penguins and must hatch a plan in order to get herself back to the store in the city.

Unhappy about being sent to the same summer camp after their fathers start dating, Bett and Avery, eleven, eventually begin scheming to get the couple back together after a break-up. Told entirely through emails.