Phone-a-Story Volunteer

All English slots have been filled for the 2024 year. Please check back in November for 2025 opportunities. Thanks for your interest!

Are you interested in recording stories or songs for Phone-a-Story? Thousands of people call every month to listen to these stories! Please fill out this form so we can schedule you to be part of this great service.

General Requirements

  • Being able to select age appropriate stories to read that are of interest to the targeted audience.
  • Being able to read well with enthusiasm, inflection, etc.
  • Being consistently available during your assigned weeks and responsible enough to find or request a replacement if you're unavailable.

General Guidelines

  • Stories or songs must be shorter than 5 minutes long. You can read an excerpt of a story, if needed.
  • We encourage you to read books that you enjoy and the kids will enjoy. Please avoid religious topics as we have a variety of beliefs in our community and want to be inclusive to all.
  • You have until Wednesday night of your assigned week to do the recording. You also have the option to record ahead of your assigned date. Recordings are all done via voicemail. Once you are signed up as a volunteer, you will receive the instructions to record to your assigned extension depending on the language and age content.
  • Once we add you to the schedule, we will share different documents through Google Drive to support your participation in Phone-a-story, including instructions to record, tips, master schedule and dates, and previous recordings.

If you have never used our Phone-a-Story service, feel free to call 720-865-8500 to enjoy some stories and songs. Content changes weekly, and you can call 24/7. Thousands of people call every month, and there is also an option to leave comments, ideas and suggestions.

How many times a year would you like to record? It takes about 15 minutes each time to prepare and read.
Which kinds of storytime/literacy activities are you interested in recording? (select all that apply)
When do you prefer to record your story/song?