Active Minds: Baseball

Program Type:

Active Minds, Older Adults


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Program Description

Event Details

A brief history and selected stories from the game of baseball. Join Active Minds as we trace the history of baseball from its disputed origins to the present day.  We will look at the way that “America's Game” is often reflective of the nation itself.  Baseball has often been plagued by scandal, from the 1919 Chicago Black Sox to the "Steroid Era” and the recent revelation of cheating by the Houston Astros.  At the same time, Baseball has also seen transcendent figures such as Babe Ruth, Ted Williams and the man who broke down Baseball’s color line, the heroic Jackie Robinson. Bring your own favorite baseball story to share with the group.

Sponsored by the Master Community Association. 

To Join Program: A few minutes before the program start time click here to join the live webinar (limit 100 participants). If for any reason you are unable to use the webinar link above, it is possible to join by phone with audio only. Please only do this as a backup, as you will not be able to see the visuals. For info on dialing in using your phone click here for audio only dial-in instructions.

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