View All Health Topics
Children & Infants A wealth of information just for kids, teens, and parents.
American Academy of Pediatrics
Immunization Includes information on school-required vaccines, immunization records, applicable forms, and other resources.
The Family Health Library at The Children's Hospital and The Children's Hospital Colorado ParentSmart Healthline
See our Teens page Health Information for Teens.
Body and Mind (BAM) Encourages teens to be fit.
Go Ask Alice! A question and answer Internet service from Columbia University's Health Education Program. Questions received confidentially. Those answered on the site often include links to other resources for further information on the topic.
Safe2Tell 1-877-542-SAFE (1-877-542-7333) Anonymously report behaviors which threaten your safety or the safety of others. Break the code of silence and help keep our schools and communities safe. Open to all ages, for all types of issues.
Older Adults
Age Wise Colorado Thoroughly vetted directory of providers for older adults and their family members for finding the products and services that will help them live their best lives as they age
Go4Life Be active every day. Learn about exercise and physical activity.
Network of Care Find local services from the Denver Regional Council of Governments.
Disability Law Colorado
(On February 1, 2015 The Legal Center for People with Disabilities and Older People officially became Disability Law Colorado.)
Colorado Gerontological Society Housing, Medicare, workshops, nursing homes, and physician information for Colorado seniors.
Vaccine Information From the Immunization Action Coalition, a non-profit organization that provides immunization and disease prevention information.
Audio Information Network Providing visually impaired and print-disabled individuals free access to recorded content from over 100 newspapers and magazines 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Colorado Talking Book Library Provides postage paid access to recorded, braille, and large print materials to eligible Colorado residents.
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Resources
National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and SAGE Services & Advocacy for Gay Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders.
Survivors Organizing for Liberation Direct resources for victims of violence in LGBT communities.
LGBT National Help Center Hotlines for adults and youth.
The Trevor Project Crisis and suicide prevention.
People with Disabilities
Craig Hospital For persons with spinal cord and brain injuries.
Rocky Mountain Human Services (formerly Denver Options)
Paralysis Resource Center From The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.
Parent to Parent of Colorado Support in parenting of our sons and daughters with special needs.
Disability Law Colorado
(On February 1, 2015 The Legal Center for People with Disabilities and Older People officially became Disability Law Colorado.)
Caregivers See ‘caring for a seriously or chronically ill child.’
Administration on Aging Resources for seniors and family caregivers.
Long Term Care How you will pay for services if they are needed.
Colorado State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Advocacy for residents of long term care facilities.
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care
The Vial of Life A free service developed by the American Senior Safety Agency. Print and fill out a free personal health history to make available for first responders in an emergency.
See End of Life, Death & Dying, Grief for resources dealing with the many legal, financial and emotional end of life concerns.
African Americans
Black Women's Health Imperative
The Center for African American Health (Metro Denver)
Colorado Black Health Collaborative
Hispanic Americans A community action site from the National Alliance for Hispanic Health.
Native Americans
Native Elder Health Care Resource Center
Asian Americans
Asian American Health A comprehensive new site from the National Library of Medicine.
Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum
SPIRAL Selected Patient Information in Asian Languages.
Multilingual Resources and Other Ethnic Groups
Health Information in Multiple Languages
Healthy Roads Media Handouts, audio, web-video, iPod video.
The Interpreter Network of Colorado Commercial organization, providing interpreter services.
Facts for Families Issues affecting children and teenagers available in English and Spanish.
Refugee Health Program of Colorado
Office of Refugee Resettlement
Military & Veterans
Military Crisis Line and Veterans Crisis Line Chat, text, or phone 1-800-273-8255 for service members or families.
MyHealtheVet VA’s online personal health record. For service members, veterans, national guard, reserve and families.
Rural Information Center Includes information for Alternative Farmers.
Denver Shelter Referral Hotline 303-561-2222
Health Concerns for People Facing Homelessness
National Runaway Safeline 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929)
Urban Peak Supportive services, including health care for youth ages 15-25 in Denver.
Center for Disease Control Travelers' Health
Immunization Action Coalition Information for International Travel, adoption and more.
Travel.State.Gov Alerts, tips, and assistance in an emergency.