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Renowned Award-Winning Vocalist Martha Redbone Sings for Phone-a-Story!

Get ready to join in song with a fun melody for a special Phone-a-Story recording! Award-winning vocalist Martha Redbone lends her beautiful voice as this month’s featured Phone-a-Story guest.

Listen to Martha sing her original song “All of Creation” now through October 18, by dialing (720) 865-8500 and pressing 3.

Martha shares “All of Creation is about the beautiful world we live in. It's a very special song I wrote that not ONLY celebrates my Native and African American culture but it’s also a lot of fun to sing and even more fun when I have friends like you to sing with me. When I was little my Grampa would say, in all of creation,

We humans are the TWO LEGGED
Many animals are FOUR LEGGED
Birds are WINGED, fish are FINNED
And our beautiful trees are ROOTED IN THE GROUND
When we take care of Mother Earth- she will take care of us!
So let’s sing my song ALL OF CREATION! Ready, guys?”

Sing along with Martha!


Two legged and four legged and winged and finned and rooted in the ground
Two legged and four legged and winged and finned and rooted in the ground

All of creation (Hey ya Hey)
All of creation (Hey ya Hey)
All of creation (Hey ya Hey)

Hey ya Hey yo!

Mountains lakes and rivers and trees
Mountains lakes and rivers and trees
Mountains lakes and rivers and trees
The same as you and me!

All of creation (Hey ya Hey)
All of creation (Hey ya Hey)
All of creation (Hey ya Hey)

Hey ya Hey yo!

Osda= Good!!

Written by Martha Redbone and Aaron Whitby
©Rez Kitty Songs/SESAC, Whit Tunes/SESAC

Don’t forget to dial in every Tuesday for a new story, rhyme, or song to listen to! Access Phone-a-Story 24/7 and hear English, Spanish, Amharic, and Vietnamese recordings for different age groups! 

Phone-A-Story Guest Star Profile

Martha Redbone is a vocalist, songwriter, composer, and 2021 United States Artist fellow, celebrated for her unique gumbo of American Roots music embodying the folk and mountain blues sounds of her childhood in the Appalachian hills of Kentucky, infused with the eclectic grit of her teenage years in pre-gentrified Brooklyn NYC. Inheriting her powerful gospel-singing father’s voice and the resilient spirit of her mother’s Southeastern culture and heritage, Martha broadens the boundaries of American Roots music with songs and storytelling that give voice to issues of social justice, connecting cultures and celebrating the human spirit. Martha also works in partnership with longtime collaborator/husband Aaron Whitby and are multi-award-winning composer for theater, television, and the recording industry. Martha LOVES reading, writing, and getting lost in the wonderful world of books in the library!
Are you inspired by Martha’s song and searching for children's books that feature singing? Take a look below for some suggestions: 
Book cover for "Old Mikamba had a Farm" featuring a man with a walking stick and a farm in the background. He is surrounded by animals.
Old Mikamba had a farm by Rachel Isadora
The inhabitants of Old Makimba's farm in Africa, including a baboon, an elephant, and a lion, are described, verse by verse. Includes facts about African animals.

Book cover for "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly" features a cover with an older woman with her mouth open and fly inside of it.
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly by Simms Taback
Presents the traditional version of a famous American folk poem first heard in the U.S. in the 1940's with illustrations on die-cut pages that reveal all that the old lady swallows.

A little girl jumps gleefully with a boombox behind her. This is the book cover for "I got the rhythm"
I got the rhythm by Connie Schofield-Morrison
On a trip to the park with her mother, a young girl hears a rhythm coming from the world around her and begins to move to the beat, finally beginning an impromptu dance in which other childen join her.

Book cover for "What this story needs is a bang and a clang" features a pig with symbols smiling as he smashes them.
What this story needs is a bang and a clang by Emma J. Virján.
While Pig conducts a musical concert featuring her instrument-playing animal friends, a surprise guest causes a disruption that threatens to derail the show.

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