Early Childhood | Elementary School | Middle School | Teens
For reliable and accurate information, try the following resources. They are available any time to anyone with a Denver Public Library card.
Tutor.com provides online, on-demand academic tutoring, homework help, and test preparation to kindergarten through 12th grade students, plus early college students, adult learners, and support for job seekers.
- Connect with a highly qualified, expert English or Spanish speaking tutor in a safe and secure online classroom from 3pm - 10pm, 7 days a week (with four exceptions: New Year's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas).
- Tutor.com offers expert writing help, test prep resources from The Princeton Review® for the ACT®/SAT®, Advanced Placement (AP®) course videos, help with a resume, and more.
- Access with your library card. An additional account with an email address is needed for services beyond a live tutoring session, and for the talk function in a tutoring session. If a child under 13 creates an additional account, they will be restricted to a text only tutoring session.
Best DPL Databases for Early Childhood
Scholastic Bookflix: Storybooks on a variety of topics like ABCs, counting, nature, imagination and more are read aloud and are presented along with their non-fiction counterparts for additional context and comprehension. Supplementary tools, like puzzles, word-match, and links to outside sources, accompany each set of books. Ideal grades: Pre-K-3rd.
Tumblebooks Library: This resource includes print storybook and non-fiction ebooks for solo reading, as well as recorded read-alouds of popular favorites. Interactive elements, like puzzles, games, and language learning/vocabulary building activities are also featured. For students learning English or other languages, there are several book options available in Spanish and French.
Best DPL Databases for Elementary School
Colorado History for Kids: Find unique information about local historical figures in our Colorful Coloradans Biographies, Learn about the different cultures that shape Colorado, Take a visual tour of our history and more.
CultureGrams: This database provides information about countries, flags, food, and culture for over 200 locations worldwide, including all 50 states and Canadian provinces. Highlights include recipes from many cultures, hundreds of video recorded interviews of people from different countries, and quick facts sheets that make this database ideal for preliminary research.
Explora Kids: This resource provides access to newspaper articles, journals, and reference books on a variety of topics including current events, animals, places, events, and history. Material is searchable by Lexile range, making it easy to narrow sources by grade and interest level.
History Reference Center: Students can explore a variety of historical periods in this curriculum-aligned database. Articles from peer-reviewed journals, non-fiction books, and multimedia content. Resources are searchable by Lexile range to ensure reading level benchmarks are met.
NoveList Plus K-8: Wondering what to read next? NoveList provides read-alikes for thousands of popular books that can help kids expand their options for reading for fun. Highlights include recommendations for beginning readers, graphic novels, and audiobooks.
Primary Search for Elementary School Research: This encyclopedic database provides full-color access to 180,000 full-text articles from children’s magazines like Cricket, Ladybug, Highlights, and Junior Scholastic, as well as encyclopedic information on a variety of topics like animals, nature, and science.
- For resources for Middle Schoolers and Teens, check out Homework Help on DPL's Teen page
- To chat with a librarian 24/7, check out Ask Us