Summer of Adventure:: SENSORY EXPLORATION

Program Type:

More Fun Stuff

Ideal Ages:

Birth 18 months (accompanied by an adult)
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

SENSORY EXPLORATION (Pre-walk): Play and connect with your baby using basic items like scarves and shakers. Caregivers will be guided and explore how to play with their infants and discover a variety of techniques that focus on sensory development they can practice at home.


EXPLORACIÓN SENSORIAL (Bebés y niños que empiezan a caminar): Juegue y conecte con su bebé utilizando elementos básicos como pañuelos y sonajas. Los cuidadores serán guiados y explorarán cómo jugar con sus bebés y descubrirán una variedad de técnicas que se centran en el desarrollo sensorial que pueden practicar en casa.


To request ASL, CART, or other disability related accommodations, contact, 720-865-1111. Minimum notice: 5 business days

For virtual programs only
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