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Program Description
Event Details
Colorado Genealogical Society program meeting schedule:
9:30-10:00 AM - Sharing and socializing and open mic
10:00 AM - Welcome and brief announcements followed by the speaker
10:00 AM - Welcome and brief announcements followed by the speaker
This is a hybrid meeting. You can attend in person (no Zoom registration needed) or register here to attend via Zoom. This lecture by Greg Liverman focuses on practical first steps once you have taken your first DNA test. We will use AncestryDNA as the platform, but much of this can be easily translated over to other companies (23andmMe, FTDNA, MyHeritage).
We will introduce key concepts of DNA science with a focus on using autosomal DNA for genealogy. The second part of this talk is a detailed explanation of how to get started with AncestryDNA: testing, setting up a tree, linking the tree to your DNA results, making sense of the match list, how to get genealogical information out of the match list, using trees, Common Ancestor hints, and ThruLines™ to identify an ancestor you have in common with a match.
To register, click here.